Saturday 11 February 2012

Research; Pieter Hugo

For this 'Commission' project, we are looking at 'waste'.
To start with I began looking at waste in general. - What does it include? What does it mean? & the different types of waste.
We can portray this subject of 'waste' as fashion, as a portrait, or still life.
To help start off my ideas as to how I was going to portray this matter, I looked at Pieter Hugo..

This image shows how waste can be recycled and re-used to make something else. This is obviously a poor area, so they make the best out of what they can. This represents the saying of "someone's junk is someone else's treasure".

This photo reveals the rubbish that has just been left. Ruining and, in a way, adding character to the greenery of this landscape. - This image makes me think of; Who lives in this area? What do they do? What was this waste once used for?

I like the strong stance and confrontational stare, which to me gives out a strong attitude, as if this lifestyle and junk yard site is normal.This is simply how they live. 

These images all portray 'waste' as an environment which these people still have to live among. There is no recycling or dumping ground system. This rubbish is just left anywhere and if it hasn't been taken to try and reuse in some way, it is burnt as a way to try and get rid of it. The thick dark smoke in the three images above, could be from them burning rubber, or something else which should be handled under certain conditions and regulations, which they clearly do not have.

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