To make a
Portrait of
either an individual from the local community who lives or works in the Medway towns,
or a member of Staff or a Student from another course, from University of the Creative Arts.
- They have to be unknown to you
- Must be shot in a studio
- Black & White
- Medium or Large Format
First Ideas / Scribbles & Notes;
Hi Josie,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I haven't said hi before, I had actually looked at your blog before and meant to reply!
I don't know if any of this will be useful but I can think of a few references you could look at in terms of the body/portraiture and urban environment. sorry if they're not new to you but maybe they will be.
rineke dijkstra - portraits of women after giving birth. not studio images (I don't think) but v.powerful/uncomfortable at the same time.
rut blees luxemburg - urban environment, traces of life but no people (in particular the work 'Towering Inferno')
some other portrait photographers that might be useful to look at: richard learoyd, yosuf karsh (idea of every sitter having a secret to be revealed, photographer's job to find it etc)
there's a great (and heavy) book on portraiture called 'theatre of the face' by max kozloff. I think it was published by phaidon. it has a lot of interesting info in about portraiture since 1900 (and it's not very heavy on theory so a good intro).
i think that's it for now, if I think of anything else I'll reply again! great job on your blog by the way, it's good to see all the tests etc!